Thursday, May 27, 2010

A trip for the stickiness

After a busy day, after a long night full of works and study, my imagination is not working very well. So, I can’t be creative with a topic because I’m only thinking in the hours of sleeping that I didn’t sleep and the millions of things that I have to do.

I’ll write about the first thing that came to my mind, and the winner is… the public transport. It was my first idea of writing because I can’t take out of my mind the sticky song used to force the users of “transantiago” to pay its trip.

In this blog I don’t want to say how if I hate or I love the buses or the subway, I only want to say how sticky is the public transport in our city. The first way to be sticked in our lives is related with the music of the system since its birth. How can we forget the music of the birth of transantiago sung by bus drivers and soccer players or the newest song: “No meta la mano ahí”? The subway and the buses are the stickiest thing in the entire world. Who hasn’t feel like a soup with 40 Celsius degrees into full buses or drowned in the doors of the subway wagons?Everything in the buses is sticky. If you don’t believe me, I challenge you to put your hand under the seats.

Anyway, this is the only way that I have to travel to the university. And I have to learn how to begin to love it.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

MP3 rules!

OK. I know that this object isn’t the newest thing in market, artifacts like mp4 or ipod, are more useful and better than a simple mp3, but this simple pendrive that play music, is really cool for me and for my pocket.

I got my first mp3 three years ago, when everybody had it. It was a gift for Christmas and the mp3 hadn’t so much memory, however this thing was better than the CD player.

A good quality of this artifact is its simplicity. You have to download music from the internet and put it in your mp3 connected to the computer by usb port, after that is very simple to play music.

Its simplicity and its economy to buy and to use (my mp3 is charged by a computer), make that I use it constantly. I try to listen music in my diary travels in public transport and when the class is boring… This little pendrive really makes my life a bit happiest. It’s really difficult have a good time in subway or in bus when you don’t have music to listen. Also it makes me concentrate in public transport when I want to study.

Without It I would die!!!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Monsieur Durkheim

Émile Durkheim was a French sociologist that (With Karl Marx and Max Weber) is called the father of the sociology and one of the three classics in this area of the knowledge. He was born in a little town in the north of France in 1858 and he was part of a Jewish family.When Émile grew up he was discovered that the way of his father (the father of Durkheim was a “Rabbi”) wasn’t his way of live and he went to study to Paris, Where he read a lot of the positivist social scientists like Herbert Spencer and Auguste Comte. At the end of the XIX century and in the beginning of the XX, Durkheim wrote all of his most important books. In 1892 he wrote “The Division of labour in society”, in 1895 “The rules of the sociologic method” and in 1912 “The elementary forms of religious life”, books that explain a theory of the “social fact” who, for Durkheim is a fact that you can study scientific and objectively.This is not a guy that I admire in sociology at all, in fact, I don’t think that this guy was right with all of his objectivism and his way to find the truth, but in my month of university life, is the only one that I have seen in classes.

That's the truth

The objective truth...